Main » 2013 » February » 18 » AdSenseBoy PHP nulled script
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AdSenseBoy PHP nulled script

Who AdSenseBoy Is?

People describe me in different ways. Some people call me guy who is experienced in whitehat and blackhat SEO, some people call me lucky guy earning lots of money and my customers just call me AdSenseBoy. But to be honest, I'm just another webmaster like you. Webmaster, who failed for many times monetizing websites. Webmaster, who wasted hundreds of dollars for useless tools. Webmaster, thinking about making money online.

And the only thing which makes me different from you - I believe in the impossible. I think I can have or do anything I imagine. And my dreams became true when I created AdSense Money Maker, the most powerful AdSense ready sites builder on the Internet!

How I Started...

I found the Internet years ago, and used World Wide Web to search for information, chat with other people and play games online. That's all. Only later I realized that Internet is something more... I realized the Internet is the biggest money making machine ever!

I built about 10 websites with popup ads, affiliate links and pay-per-click banners without any luck. Do you want to know what my highest income was? $71 per month. Don't laugh at me; I was just another newbie clearly doing something wrong. Finally, after endless failures, I decided to give a try for Google AdSense (which is known as most profitable pay per click program today). Bang! I got my first AdSense check for $113 shortly. And second check for more than $200 next month. That was it! I realized that AdSense will become my #1 money maker for the rest of life!

I started building new websites with AdSense for days and nights. AdSense income was going higher and higher every month and I was the happiest person in the world, but... I had no time publishing new websites anymore. Old sites were making more than $1000 total, but they took about 10 hours per day to maintain and update, so no wonder I had no time building new pages. Some people believe that $1000 per month is enough, but not for me. And not for you! I had to choose - stop and lose everything, or find a solution how to automate websites building and maintenance. And I did!

I will tell you the truth. It was NOT easy! I purchased some tools, but they were not 100% automated. What a waste of money! Oh well, it was a good lesson for me - buy just 100% automated software. So I took programming manual to my hands and spent many sleepless nights developing my own AdSense builder. To be honest, it was not the best software in the Earth, but it worked! It was able to create AdSense ready website with thousands of pages in less than 5 minutes. And update it automatically every day!

Needless to say, I told about new software for close friends and they asked for beta version. I was flooded with emails: "Man, it's the best thing I ever had! Please sell me full package", "Your idea is crazy, but it works! Can I tell about your software for my friends?", "Bro, you made my dirty dreams to come true. You automated AdSense money making completely, what I thought was impossible", etc. And this madness was started...

Why AdSense Money Maker?

To keep it short, I can tell you - AdSense Money Maker is the only 100% automated website builder which will make money for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week! Unlike other AdSense ready sites creators, AdSense Money Maker builds only 100% unique and high quality websites to ensure highest AdSense income possible. Moreover, software is updated every month to reflect the latest changes on the Internet and keep your revenue growing. Do you know any other tool being updated so often?

AdSense Money Maker requires no design or programming knowledge, no big investments, no hard work and no experience. For one-time $150 fee you can build unlimited number of websites and enjoy in new, better life. Forever!

If you believe it's too much for software, you are welcome to close this page, buy cheap, useless tools, and... fail, fail and fail again. Like you did in the past. But... there is a better choice! You can check my AdSense earnings below, think how this software will change your life and start making serious money today. I don't want to see you failing again. All I want - to see you smiling all the way to the bank every month!

Sometimes it's not enough to explain how software works and why it's the best. Do you know an old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words"? Yes? So find out why AdSense Money Maker is the only tool you need.

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